
Universal authentication method for all requests.

The NoAuth API uses a x-api-key for authentication. Visit your API Keys page to retrieve the API key you'll use in your requests.

Remember that your API key is a secret! Do not share it with others or expose it in any client-side code (browsers, apps). Production requests must be routed through your own backend server where your API key can be securely loaded from an environment variable or key management service.

All API requests should include your API key in an Authorization HTTP header as follows:

x-api-key: NOAUTH_API_KEY

Example twitter request:

curl \
  -H "x-api-key: $NOAUTH_API_KEY" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"screen_name": "noauthcc"}'

Where can I use it?

Your API key works for all the APIs we offer. Only difference will be whether you subscription plan is active for those endpoints. You can check your plans in the Dashboard.

How do the rate limits work?

We have different rate-limits for each API and even then we differentiate between request types. Making requests with your own auth tokens will also grant you a higher limit than using our pool.

You can find the specific rate limit logic below:

OnlyFans - Rate Limits

Twitter - Rate Limits

If you need a higher request quota per minute / day, then check out our plans to find the most suitable one for your usecase.

Last updated