Rate Limits🚦

Inform yourself about our specific Twitter rate limits.

Daily Limit Overview

Our Twitter API enforces a per minute usage limit to ensure optimal performance and fair access for all users. This limit is carefully designed to meet the majority of use cases while maintaining the integrity of our service.

📊Different Rate Limits

We have seperate our Twitter API into 2 limits. One is for public requests are is always lower. You don't need to pass any tokens or proxies for that one. Then we have our AUTH required endpoints. Those are action requests where you are uploading, liking and retweeting tweets. You will have to pass your own tokens and proxy, but for that you get a lot higher rate limits.

📊 Viewing Your Limit

Your daily rate limit is conveniently displayed on your dashboard. We encourage you to monitor your usage to plan your API requests efficiently.

🚧 Reaching the Limit

Should you reach your daily rate limit, the API will respond with a status code: 429 (Too Many Requests). This is a standard HTTP response indicating that the number of requests has exceeded the allowed limit.

⏳ Reset Timing

The rate limit counter resets automatically every minute.

Last updated